Stray dog lived among trash and rotting livestock corpses, finally found someone who cared!

Shadow was a wild, stray dog, living in the outskirts of Athens, Greece. 
She used to sleep on a pile of garbage and feed off rotting corpses of livestock, abandoned in the field next to the house where the shepherd lives. 

She was first spotted by a SPAZ volunteer, wandering among the trash and the corpses, emaciated, very sick and not friendly at all. 
Her rescue turned out to be a three day task. She would not approach people, and even when sedated she tried to break free, threatening to bite the rescuers. 

She was in desperate need of foster care, and after remaining a week at the clinic, Zaira took her in. 
It took two months of hard work, patience, training and consistency, to turn her into a house trained, easygoing dog.

Watch the full video below: